Tuesday 22 July 2014

Money Creator through Bretton Woods system

Creator Of The Money

Brettons Woods System

It is an international conference after the Second World War, discussing the best way to rebuild the world economy is severely depressed by the war. Result of this conference emerged the World Bank  and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

In the matter of currency, their decision to introduce a paper currency which has a fixed exchange rate. The United States Dollar was tied with 1/35 of a troy ounce (888 671 milligrams of gold), then the currency of other countries is tied to the value of USD.

The US government when it was promised to allow redeemable per USD in the hands of any party to the actual gold


Achievements in the Bretton Woods conference in 1944 led to the creation of money backed up and tied to gold. It is called gold backed paper money, which is money in the form of paper currency instead of gold, it will be better because it is more lightweight, easy to carry and amended and saved. It is also known as representative money, because it represents the amount of gold or silver that is in bank deposits.

In 1971, the last agreement was canceled, the cause is due to the amount of physical gold is not enough to cover the dumping of paper money in the market. It should be every currency that is printed there must be gold in tow.

However, the problem begins when the USA government to print more paper currency than the amount of physical gold in possession.  The action is called Fractional reverse system.

The prints banknotes USD  can be redeemed for physical gold for any international party, but not for those people. As a result, the French government demanding physical gold when carrying large amounts of paper money USD. It is worrying because of the amount of gold USD limited and also worried French action will be emulated by other national governments.  If this happens, the government will be filled with paper money without the gold again.


"Fractional reverse system"

Monetary policy at the basis of the modern banking system. Under FRS, banks are required to hold only a fraction (typically 12 per cent) of the depositors' funds as cash reserves. The remaining 88 per cent of deposited funds can be loaned out to create new deposits which in turn create new loans ... and so on, exerting a multiplier effect on the total money supply. However, in case of a bank run, this policy can cause banks to suffer huge losses and may even push them into bankruptcy



Once you understand what the Fractional reserve banking and a requirement, it is easier for us to understand how today's paper money was invented. It all started in 1971, the emergence of Fiat Money is paper money that are all around us today. It is a currency that is not backed by any precious metals like gold and silver. It is no longer representative money as previously described.

Some believe fiat money is created because of the amount of gold that was not enough to offset the economic growth so quickly. Gold mines failed to produce enough gold to money creation. On policies to boost the economic growth, reliance on physical gold is no longer effective. Consequently fiat money is created.

The word 'fiat' is derived from the latin word meaning "let it be done '. It is true, fiat money in existence today can be printed by the government based on their needs, as being created 'from the thin air' or from wind alone.

what is the basis of creation of paper money today ?. It is based on the will and the confidence and trust of the public of its value.

If suddenly all the people in the world, refused to recognize the USD in their transactions. the USD will have a problem, so the other country in the world.

This fiat paper money value is mostly determined by the confidence of the people to the government that issued it, it is left floating 'floating' in the economic environment in the country.

That is why if the government simply print fiat paper money, it is not making it rich, but the value of its currency more passing.

Normally, when the war broke out, or economic problems occur such as the USA and Europe at this time, the government through their national banks will print more fiat paper money in the face of both the war or the credit crunch, when the print is so terrible to exceed the actual economic developments in the country, inflation or currency depreciation will occur. The process of increasing the amount of paper money in the world or a country's market is called money supply.

Thus, printing paper money in a country controlled by the government MUST suggest, in line with developments in the industry and business in the country, if not the number of banknotes produced in excess of the rate of growth of industry and the country as business, the result will be the currency plummeted and power purchase contracts . When the inflation will occur.

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